4 education
4 research
4 outreach
4 dialogue

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Belgian Visit 2002
Ename Charter
2005 Study Tour
2002 Study Tour

In August 2000, the University of Maryland entered into a partnership with Belgian organizations and government agencies to foster programs to enhance public appreciation of cultural heritage.

This partnership and cultural exchange program includes:

bulletDepartment of Anthropology, University of Maryland
bulletCenter for Heritage Resource Studies, University of Maryland
bulletEname Center for Public Archaeology and Heritage Presentation, East Flanders, Belgium
bulletGovernment of the Province of East Flanders, Belgium
bullet Institute for the Archaeological Heritage of the Flemish Community (IAP), Belgium 

Together, the University of Maryland and our Belgian partners are developing several cooperative programs under this agreement.  The centerpiece of the partnership is the University of Maryland's annual Summer Study Tour in Belgium.  This summer, the Center and Ename will offer the third annual study tour.  We also are exploring cultural exchange linkages between our various international efforts.

To learn more about specific aspects and programs related to our Belgian program, please visit the links on the left.

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